Bollywood diva Malaika Arora’s step-father Anil Mehta committed suicide by jumping from the sixth floor of a building. Bandra Police and Crime Branch team has reached the spot. At present, the police have not received any suicide note. It was being told that Malaika’s step-father was ill for a long time. It is also said that Malaika Arora was not at home when this incident happened. She was in Pune. After getting information about the incident, she has now left for Mumbai. Bollywood diva Malaika Arora’s step-father Anil Mehta committed suicide by jumping from the sixth floor of a building. Bandra Police and Crime Branch team has reached the spot. At present, the police have not received any suicide note. It was being told that Malaika’s step-father was ill for a long time. It is also said that Malaika Arora was not at home when this incident happened. She was in Pune. After getting information about the incident, she has now left for Mumbai. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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