Faced with charges of sexual assault, Malayalam actor Jayasurya has finally broken his silence on the matter. The actor said he would face the case legally and promised to return to India from the United States as soon as feasible. For the unversed, the Kerala police filed a second sexual assault charge against Jayasurya after a female actor accused him of molesting at a movie location. Now the actor has posted a rather long note on Instagram stating that he’s innocent. Faced with charges of sexual assault, Malayalam actor Jayasurya has finally broken his silence on the matter. The actor said he would face the case legally and promised to return to India from the United States as soon as feasible. For the unversed, the Kerala police filed a second sexual assault charge against Jayasurya after a female actor accused him of molesting at a movie location. Now the actor has posted a rather long note on Instagram stating that he’s innocent. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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