The Bombay High Court has quashed the drug smuggling case of Rs 2,000 crore against Bollywood star Mamta Kulkarni. The actress was accused of smuggling drugs with her husband Vicky Goswami. The court said that there is not enough evidence against Mamta..that is why the case is closed. The bench of Justice Bharti Dangre and Justice Manjusha Deshmukh have quashed the drug case against Kulkarni. The Bombay High Court has quashed the drug smuggling case of Rs 2,000 crore against Bollywood star Mamta Kulkarni. The actress was accused of smuggling drugs with her husband Vicky Goswami. The court said that there is not enough evidence against Mamta..that is why the case is closed. The bench of Justice Bharti Dangre and Justice Manjusha Deshmukh have quashed the drug case against Kulkarni. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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