Manoj Bajpayee’s The Fable has been garnering praise not only in India but also in international circuits. After its debut at the Berlinale, the film is now headed to the MAMI Mumbai Film Festival for its Asia premiere. Directed by Raam Reddy, the film tells the story of Dev (played by Manoj) and his family, who live in a peaceful estate in the Himalayas. Their life faces disruption after a series of mysterious fires lead them to question their own reality. Guneet Monga, the founder of Sikhya Entertainment shared her excitement about the film’s premiere and penned a long note on her Instagram handle. Manoj Bajpayee’s The Fable has been garnering praise not only in India but also in international circuits. After its debut at the Berlinale, the film is now headed to the MAMI Mumbai Film Festival for its Asia premiere. Directed by Raam Reddy, the film tells the story of Dev (played by Manoj) and his family, who live in a peaceful estate in the Himalayas. Their life faces disruption after a series of mysterious fires lead them to question their own reality. Guneet Monga, the founder of Sikhya Entertainment shared her excitement about the film’s premiere and penned a long note on her Instagram handle. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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