AR Rahman, who announced earlier this month his separation from his wife, Saira Banu, is still all over social media for one reason or another. After his separation, he has been making headlines for allegedly dating his bassist, Mohini Dey. Now, Mohini has finally broken her silence, spoken about such rumours, and expressed her disappointment. In an Instagram video, she put out her official statement to shut down such claims and even called AR Rahman her ‘role model’ and ‘father figure’. AR Rahman, who announced earlier this month his separation from his wife, Saira Banu, is still all over social media for one reason or another. After his separation, he has been making headlines for allegedly dating his bassist, Mohini Dey. Now, Mohini has finally broken her silence, spoken about such rumours, and expressed her disappointment. In an Instagram video, she put out her official statement to shut down such claims and even called AR Rahman her ‘role model’ and ‘father figure’. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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