Bollywood veteran actor Govinda met with an accident on Tuesday morning. The actor was injured by his own licensed revolver at his Juhu residence in Mumbai. He was shot in the leg and was later admitted to the hospital for treatment immediately after being shot. The bullet in the actor’s leg has been removed and now his condition is stable. He also expressed his gratitude for the prayers of doctors and fans while issuing his statement. After this unfortunate accident with the actor, many big personalities of the cinema world reached the hospital to meet him. During this, his daughter Tina Ahuja was also spotted at the Mumbai hospital along with Govinda’s long-time friend David Dhawan. Bollywood veteran actor Govinda met with an accident on Tuesday morning. The actor was injured by his own licensed revolver at his Juhu residence in Mumbai. He was shot in the leg and was later admitted to the hospital for treatment immediately after being shot. The bullet in the actor’s leg has been removed and now his condition is stable. He also expressed his gratitude for the prayers of doctors and fans while issuing his statement. After this unfortunate accident with the actor, many big personalities of the cinema world reached the hospital to meet him. During this, his daughter Tina Ahuja was also spotted at the Mumbai hospital along with Govinda’s long-time friend David Dhawan. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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