Mumbai Police questioned producer Ekta Kapoor and her mother Shobha Kapoor in the Gandi Baat case on Tuesday. For the unversed, the mother-daughter duo were charged under the POCSO Act for allegedly depicting indecent acts with juvenile girls in an episode of the ALT Balaji web series ‘Gandi Baat’. The POCSO Act was used by Mumbai Police to file a complaint against Ekta Kapoor, Shobha Kapoor, and the Alt Balaji firm. The producers were called for the first round of questioning on October 22 and have been called to appear for interrogation again on October 24th as revealed by the Mumbai Police. Mumbai Police questioned producer Ekta Kapoor and her mother Shobha Kapoor in the Gandi Baat case on Tuesday. For the unversed, the mother-daughter duo were charged under the POCSO Act for allegedly depicting indecent acts with juvenile girls in an episode of the ALT Balaji web series ‘Gandi Baat’. The POCSO Act was used by Mumbai Police to file a complaint against Ekta Kapoor, Shobha Kapoor, and the Alt Balaji firm. The producers were called for the first round of questioning on October 22 and have been called to appear for interrogation again on October 24th as revealed by the Mumbai Police. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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