New Delhi: Among those whose names for the prestigious Padma Shri Awards 2025 have been announced thus far are notable gynaecologist from New Delhi Neerja Bhatla, Maharashtrian Homeopath Vilas Dangre and Gamlin, known for her work in drug rehabilitation, especially in her home state of Arunachal Pradesh. The aim of this ‘highest civilian award’, or the Padma Shri, is to recognise achievements of individuals in all fields of activities or disciplines “where an element of public service is involved.” As per tradition, the PadmaAwards are announced by the President of India on the eve of Republic Day (January 26) and are done so on the recommendations made by the Padma Awards Committee, constituted by the Prime Minister every year.
The awards are conferred in three categories, namely Padma Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan, and Padma Shri and given out to unsung heroes who have performed effortlessly and conscientiously towards the upkeep of the society. There are no surprises in the list of awards that have been announced so far. The awards, given out in various disciplines are much awaited across subject lines, the same goes for the honour in medicine and healthcare.
Dr Neerja Bhatla, a pioneer in Cervical cancer care and cure
Oncologists in India must be celebrating this list today. There has been some notable work in the field of medicine and healthcare services in the country, especially in the field of cancer research and an award like a Padma Shri could go a long way in underscoring the efforts of our medical practitioners.
Dr Bhatla, is a renowned obstetrician and gynecologist from a reputed hospital in Delhi. She has been bestowed with this honour for her pioneering work in women’s healthcare. Her significant contributions to cervical cancer research, prevention, and treatment have had a profound impact on public health in the country and Dr Bhatla has selflessly dedicated most of her time and effort towards finding out modern technology to aid cervical cancer prognosis. Dr Bhatla’s efforts in raising awareness and advancing clinical practices have improved the lives of countless women, cementing her as a leader in her field.
The Padma Shri will only go a long way in encouraging much needed work in the Cervical cancer field.
Vilas Dangre, humanitarian homeopath
India and holistic medicine go hand in hand. The Padma Shri to Maharashtrian Vilas Dangre, is a step in that direction. Dr Dangre, is a well known homeopath, which has also earned him a moniker of being ‘humanitarian homeopath’. Dangre has been dedicated to promoting homeopathy as an effective and accessible system of medicine, especially in the tier two cities and villages where access to proper healthcare services is a challenge. His patients known Dangre to be a healthcare provider who will worktirelessly to provide holistic and affordable treatment to those who approach him.
His community outreach programmes have been well appreciated by one and all. This honour will only give India’s alternative medicine that desired push.
Jumde Yomgam Gamlin, showed the way towards drug-free society
Drug-free society has been the dream of India since ages, it has come true partially due to the efforts of a few who have worked towards community rehabilitation. It doesn’t happen overnight, drug rehabilitation, requires complete effort by healthcare providers who have to be available to their patients all the time to help them in this journey.
It is not an impossible feat either, as is proven by Jumde Yomgam Gamlin from Arunachal Pradesh.
According to Gamlin, stopping drug addiction is a complex and multifaceted challenge, one which requires both individual and societal efforts. “Everyone from individuals and families to government and non-governmental organizations has a role to play,” she had said in an event, adding that “early prevention, comprehensive treatment, and ongoing support are keys to breaking the cycle of addiction”.
Gamlin’s Padma honour for her effort in helping people combat substance abuse is a brilliant choice. Through her transformative work in rehabilitation and community outreach, Gamlin has already helped countless individuals recover and rebuild their lives, making a profound impact on society and public health in the region.
Dr Bhatla, a gynaecologist from Delhi known for pioneering the cervical cancer treatment methodologies, Homeopath Vilas Dangre from Maharashtra and Jumde Yomgam Gamlin from Arunachal Pradesh have been recognised with the prestigious Padma Shri for their outstanding dedication and contributions to the field of healthcare, improving lives and advancing medical services. Health News Health News: Latest News from Health Care, Mental Health, Weight Loss, Disease, Nutrition, Healthcare