New Year’s Resolutions: How to stick to your goals in 2025?

New Year’s Resolutions: How to stick to your goals in 2025?

New Delhi: With 2024 nearing its end and 2025 just around the corner, most of us are witnessing a flurry of new year’s resolutions with ourselves being active participants in many cases. Ahead of the beginning of a new year, we make some resolutions which we resolve to fulfill. If you are wondering why people make new year’s resolutions, several studies have looked into what researchers have called the ‘fresh start effect’ and delved into aspirational behaviours can be motivated by temporal landmarks.

Since new year heralds a new starts, at least date-wise, people tend to set resolutions, sometimes lofty. Sometimes, they bite off more than they can chew. But setting a resolution is important, as it inculcates willpower and motivation to fulfill the goal. According to one study, people who set resolutions for the new year are more likely to change their behaviour than those who do not set such goals. While it is tough to stick to new year’s resolutions, we explore some ways in this article to make it work.

How to stick to new year’s resolution? Here are some ways

Setting a specific goal

Most of us tend to set ambiguous goal for the new year like losing weight, becoming more productive and getting in shape. Instead of that, we should focus on goal which are more concrete and have realistic chance of being completed. Specific, achievable goals will help to stick to the resolution. Instead of selecting drastic goals, it is better to stick to realistic goals.

No multiple resolutions

Often, people tend to list several resolutions and try to fulfill all of them. According to Richard Wiseman, a professor of psychology at Hertfordshire University and the American Psychological Association, it is better to have one goal than multiple goals. If the goal is large, then it is better to break it down into small parts.

Proper planning

There must be proper planning behind choosing the resolution. There must be extensive planning behind selecting a resolution, and the thought process should include the steps, the reason behind the resolution and the ways to keep them on track. It is also important to factor in the challenges and obstacles and prepare accordingly.

Small steps

Try to move towards the goal with one small step instead of taking one giant leap. Taking on too much too quickly is a common reason why most of the resolutions. First, start by taking tiny steps and then gradually increase the pace to fulfill the resolution.

Past mistakes

It is better not to make the exact same resolution year after year. People who do so tend to get dejected after failing repeatedly in the same resolution. If someone is looking to make the same resolution, then the person should evaluate past results, including the obstacles followed and the reason behind the failure.

Have patience

Change is a long process and it won’t just happen in a day. One cannot expect to change a long-term undesirable habit in just weeks or months. It is important to remember that patience is the key and to understand that resolution is a process. Even if a person makes a misstep or two, there is always the option to restart and continue on the journey towards the goal.

Be positive and get support

While working on fulfilling the resolution, one should always put a positive spin on the goals rather than merely thinking about avoiding negative or undesirable outcomes. Also, have a strong support system which will help better in fulfilling the goal. Also, camaraderie makes sticking to the resolution more fun.

 Many people make New Year’s resolutions, driven by the “fresh start effect.” This article explores how to increase your chances of success. Key strategies include setting specific, achievable goals and focusing on one resolution at a time.   knowledge Knowledge News, Photos and Videos on General Knowledge