On December 30, NMDC shares closed the day at Rs 67.30 after recording a decline of Rs 2.02, or 2.91%. It opened at Rs 69.45 on December 30. The 52-week high and low levels of NMDC shares is Rs 95.45 and Rs 63.45 respectively. The NMDC stock was one of the major losers on Monday, December 30. On December 30 at close of trade, Sensex settled at 78,248.13, down 450.94 points or 0.57%, while Nifty declined 168.50 points or 0.71% to settle at 23,644.90.
According to reports, the NMDC stock provides a high yield of 3.48% at its current price. Over the past one month, the NMDC stock has dropped by more than 11%. In comparison, the broad index of Sensex 30 on BSE has gone down by only about 1.50%.
NMDC shares turned ex-bonus last week
Last week (week beginning December 23, 2024) , NMDC stock was in the news for turning ex-bonus in the ratio of 2:1. After adjustment for the bonus issue, the stock was recorded trading at 0.60% higher on NSE. But then it dipped. Reports indicated that the apps of a few brokerages could have displayed unadjusted NMDC share price.
The ratio of 2:1 ruled that for every NMDC share investors would get 2 new NMDC shares. Unlike stock split in bonus shares, new shares are issued by the company at the current face value of shares. This measure increases the number of shares and results in a decline in the free reserves and surplus of the concerned company. However, it raises liquidity while depressing EPS (earnings per share) and book value. According to reports, NMDC allotted 586,12,11,700 paid-up bonus shares in ratio of 2:1. The face value of these shares is Re 1 each.
(Disclaimer: This article is only meant to provide information. News9 does not recommend buying or selling shares or subscriptions of any IPO and Mutual Funds.)
Shares of PSU NMDC (National Mineral Development Corporation) was one of the laggards in the stock market on December 30. Know why did the stock price of this PSU that produces and exports iron ore, and explores and mines other minerals dipped. Markets Business News – Personal Finance News, Share Market News, BSE/NSE News, Stock Exchange News Today