Not all cancers have early signs; oncologist lists the silent types of tumour

Not all cancers have early signs; oncologist lists the silent types of tumour

Not all cancers have early signs; oncologist lists the silent types of tumour

New Delhi: Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases known to mankind that can kill a patient if not diagnosed and treated in time. This condition is characterised by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body that result in the formation of a tumour. This tumour often interferes with the normal functions of the body. And while cancer is often linked to noticeable symptoms, in many cases, it can develop silently without any early warning signs. One may get to know about the cancer diagnosis only during the later stages. This happens due to the asymptomatic causes of cancer. Furthermore, timely detection will be difficult due to asymptomatic causes raise the risk of late-stage diagnosis and delayed treatment.

To know more about asymptomatic forms of cancer, News9Live interacted with Dr Tirathram Kaushik consultant Oncosurgeon, Wockhardt Hospitals, Mira Road.

What are the common asymptomatic forms of cancer?

Are you aware? Certain cancers, including lung, pancreatic, and colorectal cancer, can remain asymptomatic for years. Several factors silently cause cancer. Genetic mutations play a pivotal role, as individuals with a family history may develop cancer without experiencing symptoms until the cancer reaches an advanced stage. Moreover, environmental pollution that is air pollution and toxic chemicals can trigger cancer without symptoms. Lifestyle factors, such as smoking, alcohol, poor diet, and lack of exercise, also invite cancer’s immediate symptoms. Even infections like HPV and hepatitis can lead to cancer silently.

Why are asymptomatic cancers risky?

The last word: It is a known fact that detection will be challenging when the cancer tends to grow silently without any prior warning. Though one may feel healthy, the changes occur at the cellular level. It is the need of the hour to go for regular screenings, check-ups, and follow-ups, eat a nutritious diet, exercise daily, and be aware of family history for timely diagnosis and treatment. Seeking treatment at the earliest can lead to successful outcomes in patients. People should be proactive when it comes to their well-being.

 Asymptomatic forms of cancer are risky as they continue to worsen without prominent warning signs. Read here to know about the riskiest forms of tumour.  Health Conditions Health News: Latest News from Health Care, Mental Health, Weight Loss, Disease, Nutrition, Healthcare