Bollywood actors Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal got married in an intimate ceremony on Sunday, June 23, in the presence of their family members and industry colleagues after dating for seven years. The actresses got married simply and had a grand reception afterwards. However, on this special occasion, both the brothers of the actress, Luv Sinha and Kush Sinha absence was noticed. The family remained silent on the rumours of Sona’s brother’s skipping her wedding, but now Luv and Kush both have broken their silence. Bollywood actors Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal got married in an intimate ceremony on Sunday, June 23, in the presence of their family members and industry colleagues after dating for seven years. The actresses got married simply and had a grand reception afterwards. However, on this special occasion, both the brothers of the actress, Luv Sinha and Kush Sinha absence was noticed. The family remained silent on the rumours of Sona’s brother’s skipping her wedding, but now Luv and Kush both have broken their silence. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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