Only One in Four Lok Sabha Seats in UP, Maharashtra, Bengal and Bihar Saw Improved Voter Turnouts | Numberspeak

Only One in Four Lok Sabha Seats in UP, Maharashtra, Bengal and Bihar Saw Improved Voter Turnouts | Numberspeak

A News18 analysis of the 210 Lok Sabha seats in these four states also showed that on just 64 of these seats, the women turnout was higher than 2019, while on 146, the women turnout was lower than the last time. On 110 seats, the elected party did not change from 2019 A News18 analysis of the 210 Lok Sabha seats in these four states also showed that on just 64 of these seats, the women turnout was higher than 2019, while on 146, the women turnout was lower than the last time. On 110 seats, the elected party did not change from 2019  Elections Elections News in, Elections Latest News, Elections News