Oscar-nominated live-action short film Anuja will be released on Netflix on February 5, the streamer announced on Thursday. Directed by Adam J Graves, the short is billed as a hopeful and heartfelt tale of resilience, love, and opportunity amidst hardship. Anuja has Hollywood star-writer Mindy Kaling on board as producer, with two-time Oscar winner Guneet Monga and superstar Priyanka Chopra Jonas attached as executive producers. Kaling expressed gratitude to Netflix for showcasing the movie on their platform.
“It is a dream come true to have Anuja on Netflix, where it can be seen by the worldwide audience it deserves. I’m so grateful to Bela Bajaria and Netflix India for seeing what I saw in this beautiful short film,” the actor-producer said in a statement. Graves, who has also produced Anuja with wife Suchitra Mattai, said they are happy about the release of their movie. Oscar-nominated live-action short film Anuja will be released on Netflix on February 5, the streamer announced on Thursday. Directed by Adam J Graves, the short is billed as a hopeful and heartfelt tale of resilience, love, and opportunity amidst hardship. Anuja has Hollywood star-writer Mindy Kaling on board as producer, with two-time Oscar winner Guneet Monga and superstar Priyanka Chopra Jonas attached as executive producers. Kaling expressed gratitude to Netflix for showcasing the movie on their platform.
“It is a dream come true to have Anuja on Netflix, where it can be seen by the worldwide audience it deserves. I’m so grateful to Bela Bajaria and Netflix India for seeing what I saw in this beautiful short film,” the actor-producer said in a statement. Graves, who has also produced Anuja with wife Suchitra Mattai, said they are happy about the release of their movie. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed