Paatal Lok is finally returning to Prime Video and the makers have unveiled its first teaser on social media, further heightening anticipation. On Friday, the official social media handles of the streamer shared the teaser, offering a thriller glimpse into a new case that pushes Inspector Hathi Ram Chaudhary (played by Jaideep Ahlawat) to his limits. In the upcoming season, Ishwak Singh will reprise his role of Imran Ansari while Tillotama Shome and Gul Panag will be introduced in Season 2. Paatal Lok is finally returning to Prime Video and the makers have unveiled its first teaser on social media, further heightening anticipation. On Friday, the official social media handles of the streamer shared the teaser, offering a thriller glimpse into a new case that pushes Inspector Hathi Ram Chaudhary (played by Jaideep Ahlawat) to his limits. In the upcoming season, Ishwak Singh will reprise his role of Imran Ansari while Tillotama Shome and Gul Panag will be introduced in Season 2. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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