Panchayat actor Pankaj Jha recently took an indirect jibe at Mirzapur actor Pankaj Tripathi for romanticising his struggles. Now, ‘Kaleena Bhaiya’ has come forward and responded to such claims in an interview. In a chat with India Today, Pankaj Tripathi said that he never tried to romanticise his struggles and also mentioned that he never tried to seek sympathy for his struggles. Panchayat actor Pankaj Jha recently took an indirect jibe at Mirzapur actor Pankaj Tripathi for romanticising his struggles. Now, ‘Kaleena Bhaiya’ has come forward and responded to such claims in an interview. In a chat with India Today, Pankaj Tripathi said that he never tried to romanticise his struggles and also mentioned that he never tried to seek sympathy for his struggles. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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