New Delhi: On July 12, 2024, Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant were joyously declared husband and wife in a majestic and grand wedding ceremony held at the prestigious Jio World Centre. The event was a spectacular celebration of love and unity, where the couple’s happiness was palpable as they embarked on their lifelong journey together. The wedding was a remarkable affair, marked by its opulent decorations, elaborate rituals, and the presence of family members, friends, and esteemed guests who came together to witness this momentous occasion.
Many celebrities were a part of the festivities and also made a grand entry for the Shubh Ashirwad event on 13 July 2024 (Saturday) to bless the couple for a healthy, happy life ahead. Mira Kapoor with her husband Shahid Kapoor also made a grand entry in style at the event and graced the red carpet with their new fashion trends.
Mira Kapoor in Anamika Khanna
Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput made a charming appearance at the ‘Shubh Aashirwad’ ceremony for Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant, walking in together and sharing moments of joy with gentle smiles and soft conversations.
Mira Rajput looked absolutely dazzling at the ‘Shubh Aashirwad’ ceremony, dressed in a magnificent custom saree in a vibrant yellow shade. The saree was a true work of art, featuring elaborate and fine embroidery that enhanced its luxurious and striking appearance. The detailed panelwork added a layer of sophistication, showcasing the exquisite craftsmanship that went into creating this stunning garment.
Mira’s choice of attire for the occasion was a perfect mix of traditional elegance and modern flair, and together with Shahid Kapoor’s refined outfit, they made a memorable and distinguished impression at the event celebrating Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s joyous union.
The dress was from the label Anamika Khanna, styled by the diva Tanya Ghavri for the special event.
Mira opted for a simple hairstyle with half tie up hair at the back, made it to vision by Bhakti Lakhani. Shraddha Inder Mehta, made sure to keep her makeup look nude and subtle to give the outfit a highlight for the event.
Shahid Kapoor’s hot black sherwani look
Shahid Kapoor exuded sophistication and timeless charm at the ‘Shubh Aashirwad’ ceremony, dressed in an exquisite all-black outfit that perfectly balanced elegance and tradition. He wore a kurta-pyjama ensemble that was thoughtfully designed by Anamika Khanna’s menswear collection to highlight intricate craftsmanship and sophisticated detailing. The kurta featured delicate embroidery that was both ornate and refined, showcasing an impressive level of artistry and attention to detail.
The rich black fabric of the outfit was elevated by this fine embroidery, creating a striking visual contrast that added depth and texture to the ensemble. Its embroidery work was meticulously done, incorporating subtle patterns and designs that enhanced the overall look without overwhelming it. The pyjama, in a complementary black shade, completed the outfit with its simple yet refined design, ensuring that the focus remained on the elegant kurta.
Mira Kapoor Rajput and Shahid Kapoor arrive in style and set the red carpet on fire with stylish looks for Anant-Radhika Shubh Ashirwad ceremony. Take inspiratios from the decoded look! Fashion Lifestyle News -Fashion Trends, Beauty Tips, Celebrity Party News, Relationship advice, Travel and Food Tips