Priyanka Chopra Jonas, who surprised her fans on Friday morning after she landed in Mumbai, attended the wedding celebration of her brother Siddharth later in the night. Several pictures from the celebrations are doing rounds on the internet wherein PeeCee can be seen wearing an elegant magenta-coloured saree. She completed her look with a layered pearl choker necklace along with matching pearl earrings and kept her hair in a neat bun style. Priyanka Chopra Jonas, who surprised her fans on Friday morning after she landed in Mumbai, attended the wedding celebration of her brother Siddharth later in the night. Several pictures from the celebrations are doing rounds on the internet wherein PeeCee can be seen wearing an elegant magenta-coloured saree. She completed her look with a layered pearl choker necklace along with matching pearl earrings and kept her hair in a neat bun style. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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