Like mother Alia Bhatt and father Ranbir Kapoor, Raha Kapoor is also very popular on social media. The munchkin wins everyone’s hearts with her cuteness every time she is captured on camera. These days Raha is often spotted with her mother and father during outings in Mumbai and on vacations. Recently she was again spotted in Mumbai. This time the little one had reached to see her new house for the first time. Like mother Alia Bhatt and father Ranbir Kapoor, Raha Kapoor is also very popular on social media. The munchkin wins everyone’s hearts with her cuteness every time she is captured on camera. These days Raha is often spotted with her mother and father during outings in Mumbai and on vacations. Recently she was again spotted in Mumbai. This time the little one had reached to see her new house for the first time. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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