Bollywood couple, Rajkummar Rao and Patralekhaa, have sparked curiosity among their fans after they shared a cryptic post on Instagram. They jointly shared a post on the social media platform featuring a silhouette picture of themselves against colourful lights along with a caption, which left fans guessing. ”Something special is brewing. Can’t wait to share it with you all. Stay tuned!” reads the text of one of the slides of their post. Clarifying any speculation about their pregnancy, the duo said, ”P.S: we are not becoming parents yet.” Bollywood couple, Rajkummar Rao and Patralekhaa, have sparked curiosity among their fans after they shared a cryptic post on Instagram. They jointly shared a post on the social media platform featuring a silhouette picture of themselves against colourful lights along with a caption, which left fans guessing. ”Something special is brewing. Can’t wait to share it with you all. Stay tuned!” reads the text of one of the slides of their post. Clarifying any speculation about their pregnancy, the duo said, ”P.S: we are not becoming parents yet.” IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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