Ram Gopal Varma, a popular filmmaker, recently landed in trouble after he allegedly posted content related to to Telugu Desam Party (TDP) leaders, also including Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu, his son Nara Lokesh and daughter-in-law Brahmani on his social media handle. The ace director has now finally broken his silence over the matter and said, ”The case is regarding a certain tweet I posted nearly a year ago, of which I have no knowledge. I have put more than a thousand tweets in that period. There is not even a prima facie to book that case… There is some kind of a conspiracy… All sorts of rumours were being spread in the media.” Ram Gopal Varma, a popular filmmaker, recently landed in trouble after he allegedly posted content related to to Telugu Desam Party (TDP) leaders, also including Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu, his son Nara Lokesh and daughter-in-law Brahmani on his social media handle. The ace director has now finally broken his silence over the matter and said, ”The case is regarding a certain tweet I posted nearly a year ago, of which I have no knowledge. I have put more than a thousand tweets in that period. There is not even a prima facie to book that case… There is some kind of a conspiracy… All sorts of rumours were being spread in the media.” IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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