Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt on Friday night stepped out for a family dinner with Neetu Kapoor, Mahesh Bhatt, Shaheen Bhatt and Pooja Bhatt in Mumbai to celebrate. Soon after the duo came out of the eatery, they got surrounded by paparazzi. However, a video of Ranbir is all over social media wherein he can be seen getting angry at one of the paps and pulling his arm after he tried to click both of them together. ”Kya kar rahe ho aap log? Kya kar rahe hai? Idhar aao (What are you guys doing? Come here,” Ranbir Kapoor is heard saying in the viral clip. Ranbir also gave a stern look at the paparazzo and went inside his car with his wife. Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt on Friday night stepped out for a family dinner with Neetu Kapoor, Mahesh Bhatt, Shaheen Bhatt and Pooja Bhatt in Mumbai to celebrate. Soon after the duo came out of the eatery, they got surrounded by paparazzi. However, a video of Ranbir is all over social media wherein he can be seen getting angry at one of the paps and pulling his arm after he tried to click both of them together. ”Kya kar rahe ho aap log? Kya kar rahe hai? Idhar aao (What are you guys doing? Come here,” Ranbir Kapoor is heard saying in the viral clip. Ranbir also gave a stern look at the paparazzo and went inside his car with his wife. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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