Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor is going to be seen in Nitesh Tiwari-directed ‘Ramayana Part-1’. While Ranbir Kapoor is going to play the role of Lord Rama in the film, South actress Sai Pallavi is going to be seen in the role of Mata Sita. Recently, the actor attended the prestigious ‘Red Sea International Film Festival 2024’ in Jeddah, where he talked about ‘Ramayana’ for the first time and called it his ‘dream role’. Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor is going to be seen in Nitesh Tiwari-directed ‘Ramayana Part-1’. While Ranbir Kapoor is going to play the role of Lord Rama in the film, South actress Sai Pallavi is going to be seen in the role of Mata Sita. Recently, the actor attended the prestigious ‘Red Sea International Film Festival 2024’ in Jeddah, where he talked about ‘Ramayana’ for the first time and called it his ‘dream role’. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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