Fans have been impatient about knowing each detail of Ranbir Kapoor and Sai Pallavi starrer ‘Ramayana’. Earlier this year, many pictures and videos from the sets of the film went viral, which made the fans restless. Ranbir Kapoor’s glimpse as Ram won the hearts of the people. Without the film’s official announcement, people started speculating about the film. According to the claims, Nitish Tiwari’s film, which is being made on a budget of more than 800 crores, has now been officially announced. The makers have made a special post about the film and also revealed that the film is being made in two parts. The release date of the film has also been announced. At present, the star cast of the film has not been officially announced yet. Fans have been impatient about knowing each detail of Ranbir Kapoor and Sai Pallavi starrer ‘Ramayana’. Earlier this year, many pictures and videos from the sets of the film went viral, which made the fans restless. Ranbir Kapoor’s glimpse as Ram won the hearts of the people. Without the film’s official announcement, people started speculating about the film. According to the claims, Nitish Tiwari’s film, which is being made on a budget of more than 800 crores, has now been officially announced. The makers have made a special post about the film and also revealed that the film is being made in two parts. The release date of the film has also been announced. At present, the star cast of the film has not been officially announced yet. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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