The Great Indian Kapil Show is all set to entertain the audience once again with its new season. The makers of the celebrity chat show unveiled its first trailer of the upcoming second season. In the trailer, the makers have showcased a glipmse of the celebrities who will be appearing in Season 2. From Rohit Sharma and his team mates, filmmaker Karan Johar, South star Jr NTR to actress Janhvi Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, and Juhi Chawla, among other will be gracing The Great Indian Kapil Show Season 2. The Great Indian Kapil Show is all set to entertain the audience once again with its new season. The makers of the celebrity chat show unveiled its first trailer of the upcoming second season. In the trailer, the makers have showcased a glipmse of the celebrities who will be appearing in Season 2. From Rohit Sharma and his team mates, filmmaker Karan Johar, South star Jr NTR to actress Janhvi Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, and Juhi Chawla, among other will be gracing The Great Indian Kapil Show Season 2. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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