Sara Ali Khan is one of the top actresses of this generation in Bollywood today, and enjoys a huge fan following on social media for her fashion style. On Friday, the Judwaa 2 actress was in New Delhi for designer Abhinav Mishra’s show, where she also ramp-walked in an ivory lehenga adorned with mirror work. Her ensemble featured intricate floral motifs and mirror work. The design was beautifully embellished with mirrors, sequins, and crystals, adding a touch of opulence to the muted tones. Sara Ali Khan is one of the top actresses of this generation in Bollywood today, and enjoys a huge fan following on social media for her fashion style. On Friday, the Judwaa 2 actress was in New Delhi for designer Abhinav Mishra’s show, where she also ramp-walked in an ivory lehenga adorned with mirror work. Her ensemble featured intricate floral motifs and mirror work. The design was beautifully embellished with mirrors, sequins, and crystals, adding a touch of opulence to the muted tones. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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