Rohit Shetty’s Cop Universe is one of the biggest franchises in Bollywood. This franchise includes films from the Singham series, Simmba, and Sooryavanshi. Singham Again is all set to hit the big screens in this Diwali, which has an ensemble cast of Ajay Devgn, Ranveer Singh, Akshay Kumar, Deepika Padukone, and Tiger Shroff. The creator of this franchise, Rohit Shetty, has now confirmed the development of an all-women Cop Universe, following the debut of Deepika as Lady Singham in the upcoming flick. All the previous films in the Cop Universe featured male leads as the no-nonsense police officers. Rohit Shetty’s Cop Universe is one of the biggest franchises in Bollywood. This franchise includes films from the Singham series, Simmba, and Sooryavanshi. Singham Again is all set to hit the big screens in this Diwali, which has an ensemble cast of Ajay Devgn, Ranveer Singh, Akshay Kumar, Deepika Padukone, and Tiger Shroff. The creator of this franchise, Rohit Shetty, has now confirmed the development of an all-women Cop Universe, following the debut of Deepika as Lady Singham in the upcoming flick. All the previous films in the Cop Universe featured male leads as the no-nonsense police officers. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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