Producer Siddharth Roy Kapur has announced the biopic on India’s first Chief Election Commissioner Sukumar Sen. For those who don’t know, Sen is regarded as the architect of India’s first general elections. Roy Kapur Films has bought the rights to this film based on the life of Sukumar Sen. On Monday, the Instagram handle of Roy Kapur Films shared a collage of pictures of Sukumar Sen and Siddharth Roy Kapur. Sharing this picture, the production house wrote that it should not matter who we voted for by pressing which symbol in the last month. The real story and symbol is that small black line on your index finger as Roy Kapur Films brings an incredible story that one would not want to miss. Producer Siddharth Roy Kapur has announced the biopic on India’s first Chief Election Commissioner Sukumar Sen. For those who don’t know, Sen is regarded as the architect of India’s first general elections. Roy Kapur Films has bought the rights to this film based on the life of Sukumar Sen. On Monday, the Instagram handle of Roy Kapur Films shared a collage of pictures of Sukumar Sen and Siddharth Roy Kapur. Sharing this picture, the production house wrote that it should not matter who we voted for by pressing which symbol in the last month. The real story and symbol is that small black line on your index finger as Roy Kapur Films brings an incredible story that one would not want to miss. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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