Actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked with a knife late Thursday night at his Mumbai residence. After this, the actor was admitted to Lilavati Hospital in a critical condition. At present, his surgery is complete and he is out of danger. Mumbai Police said that an unknown person who entered the house attacked him with a knife. The unknown person entered the house with the intention of theft. But before he could steal something, Saif and Kareena’s maid spotted him. Saif Ali Khan, who came to save the maid, also became a victim of the accident and the attacker attacked him. He suffered serious injuries as Saif was stabbed 6 times with the knife. DCP Dixit Gedam made some major revelations on the case. Actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked with a knife late Thursday night at his Mumbai residence. After this, the actor was admitted to Lilavati Hospital in a critical condition. At present, his surgery is complete and he is out of danger. Mumbai Police said that an unknown person who entered the house attacked him with a knife. The unknown person entered the house with the intention of theft. But before he could steal something, Saif and Kareena’s maid spotted him. Saif Ali Khan, who came to save the maid, also became a victim of the accident and the attacker attacked him. He suffered serious injuries as Saif was stabbed 6 times with the knife. DCP Dixit Gedam made some major revelations on the case. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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