Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked with a knife by an intruder on January 16. He was later taken to Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital where he underwent multiple surgeries including a cosmetic one as well. Not only Saif, his maid Leena was also injured in the scuffle. She was also taken to the hospital and was later discharged on Thursday afternoon. After recording her statement at Bandra Police Station she reached back at Kareena-Saif’s abode Satguru Sharan Apartment. But do you know who else lives in this apartment apart from the power couple? Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked with a knife by an intruder on January 16. He was later taken to Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital where he underwent multiple surgeries including a cosmetic one as well. Not only Saif, his maid Leena was also injured in the scuffle. She was also taken to the hospital and was later discharged on Thursday afternoon. After recording her statement at Bandra Police Station she reached back at Kareena-Saif’s abode Satguru Sharan Apartment. But do you know who else lives in this apartment apart from the power couple? IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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