The condition of Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, who was injured in the attack at his house in Mumbai, is improving. Doctors at Lilavati Hospital said that he would be discharged from the hospital in two to three days. Saif underwent emergency surgery at Lilavati Hospital after he was stabbed several times near the neck and spine during the attack on his Bandra residence on January 16, 2025. Despite these injuries, Saif’s condition is improving rapidly. However, doctors have also revealed that Saif had asked them two questions after the surgery. The condition of Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, who was injured in the attack at his house in Mumbai, is improving. Doctors at Lilavati Hospital said that he would be discharged from the hospital in two to three days. Saif underwent emergency surgery at Lilavati Hospital after he was stabbed several times near the neck and spine during the attack on his Bandra residence on January 16, 2025. Despite these injuries, Saif’s condition is improving rapidly. However, doctors have also revealed that Saif had asked them two questions after the surgery. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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