Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan’s attacker has been sent to police custody for 5 days. The public prosecutor also said that we have to investigate whether this is an international conspiracy or not. The actor was attacked at his Mumbai residence on January 16 at 2:00 am. He was later admitted to Lilavati Hospital at 3:00 am. The actor is currently in stable. Earlier, during the surgery at Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital, a piece of a knife was also removed from Saif’s body. Doctors said that the actor is no longer in danger and will soon be moved from the intensive care unit to a separate room. Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan’s attacker has been sent to police custody for 5 days. The public prosecutor also said that we have to investigate whether this is an international conspiracy or not. The actor was attacked at his Mumbai residence on January 16 at 2:00 am. He was later admitted to Lilavati Hospital at 3:00 am. The actor is currently in stable. Earlier, during the surgery at Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital, a piece of a knife was also removed from Saif’s body. Doctors said that the actor is no longer in danger and will soon be moved from the intensive care unit to a separate room. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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