In the latest development in the Salman Khan house firing case, Navi Mumbai Police has arrested four for conspiring to attack on the actor. All of them were plotting to murder Salman. Names of the accused are Dhananjay Singh Tafe Singh aka Ajay Kashyap, Gaurav Bhatia, Nyahi Vaspi Khan aka Wasim Chikna and Zeeshan Khan aka Javed Khan. All these accused were in contact with gangsters Lawrence Bishnoi and Anmol Bishnoi. Investigation revealed that these accused had done recce of Salman’s farmhouse and workplaces. A case has been registered against the accused under Sections 115, 120(b), and 506. The court has sent all the accused to judicial custody for 14 days. Police are engaged in further investigation of the case. In the latest development in the Salman Khan house firing case, Navi Mumbai Police has arrested four for conspiring to attack on the actor. All of them were plotting to murder Salman. Names of the accused are Dhananjay Singh Tafe Singh aka Ajay Kashyap, Gaurav Bhatia, Nyahi Vaspi Khan aka Wasim Chikna and Zeeshan Khan aka Javed Khan. All these accused were in contact with gangsters Lawrence Bishnoi and Anmol Bishnoi. Investigation revealed that these accused had done recce of Salman’s farmhouse and workplaces. A case has been registered against the accused under Sections 115, 120(b), and 506. The court has sent all the accused to judicial custody for 14 days. Police are engaged in further investigation of the case. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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