Salman Khan on Tuesday morning treated his fans with a teaser of his upcoming collaboration with singer AP Dhillon. The song is titled ‘Old Money’ and is set to be unveiled on August 9, as per the post shared by the superstar. ”Old Money out on August 9th @apdhillon,” Salman wrote in the caption. The song teaser features AP Dhillon along with his friend going out with a gun in their hand and while leaving they see Salman Khan doing something under the hood of a car. Salman Khan on Tuesday morning treated his fans with a teaser of his upcoming collaboration with singer AP Dhillon. The song is titled ‘Old Money’ and is set to be unveiled on August 9, as per the post shared by the superstar. ”Old Money out on August 9th @apdhillon,” Salman wrote in the caption. The song teaser features AP Dhillon along with his friend going out with a gun in their hand and while leaving they see Salman Khan doing something under the hood of a car. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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