For the past few days, rumours of Salman Khan pushing ‘Sikandar’ shoot amid death threats have been going viral. But now ‘Sikandar’ production team has shared a new update. Superstar Salman Khan will begin filming for his highly anticipated flick Sikandar, as planned. After a brief pause, fans are anxious to see the renowned actor back on set, reigniting interest in the project. With great expectations, Sikandar aims to mix Salman’s screen presence with an intriguing tale that has already garnered a lot of discussion in the business. For the past few days, rumours of Salman Khan pushing ‘Sikandar’ shoot amid death threats have been going viral. But now ‘Sikandar’ production team has shared a new update. Superstar Salman Khan will begin filming for his highly anticipated flick Sikandar, as planned. After a brief pause, fans are anxious to see the renowned actor back on set, reigniting interest in the project. With great expectations, Sikandar aims to mix Salman’s screen presence with an intriguing tale that has already garnered a lot of discussion in the business. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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