Salman Khan is celebrating his 59th birthday today. To commemorate the special occasion, the makers of his upcoming film Sikandar scheduled teaser release at around 11 am on Friday. However, after the news of death of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh broke out on Thursday night, the makers decided to postponed the teaser release. As per a post shared by Nadiadwala Grandson on their social media handles, the teaser of Sikandar will now be unveiled a day later, i.e., on December 28. Salman Khan is celebrating his 59th birthday today. To commemorate the special occasion, the makers of his upcoming film Sikandar scheduled teaser release at around 11 am on Friday. However, after the news of death of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh broke out on Thursday night, the makers decided to postponed the teaser release. As per a post shared by Nadiadwala Grandson on their social media handles, the teaser of Sikandar will now be unveiled a day later, i.e., on December 28. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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