‘The Family Man 2’ actor Samantha Ruth Prabhu parted ways with her former husband and actor Chaitanya Akkineni in 2021. Since then the couple has never been spotted a the same place. Sam had openly said at Koffee With Karan that things ended on a bitter note for the couple and that they might not see eye to eye with each other. However, the former couple has now moved forward in life. While Samantha is busy with her work life, Chai is all set to get remarried to his girlfriend and actor Sobhita Dhulipala. While the world may have moved on from the topic, Cabinet Minister for Forest and Environment, and Endowments in the Government of Telangana, Konda Surekha brought the matter to light once again with her bizarre take on their relationship. It also seems like the Chai and Sam had enough of people talking about their divorce, as they has hit back at Congress member for politicising their divorce. ‘The Family Man 2’ actor Samantha Ruth Prabhu parted ways with her former husband and actor Chaitanya Akkineni in 2021. Since then the couple has never been spotted a the same place. Sam had openly said at Koffee With Karan that things ended on a bitter note for the couple and that they might not see eye to eye with each other. However, the former couple has now moved forward in life. While Samantha is busy with her work life, Chai is all set to get remarried to his girlfriend and actor Sobhita Dhulipala. While the world may have moved on from the topic, Cabinet Minister for Forest and Environment, and Endowments in the Government of Telangana, Konda Surekha brought the matter to light once again with her bizarre take on their relationship. It also seems like the Chai and Sam had enough of people talking about their divorce, as they has hit back at Congress member for politicising their divorce. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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