Samantha Ruth Prabhu, who is currently garnering praise for her performance in the web show Citadel, finally broke her silence and spoke candidly about the trolling she faced after her divorce with Naga Chaitanya three years ago. In a talk with Galatta India, the ‘O Antava Mawa’ star said, ”Unfortunately, we live in a society which is so patriarchal in nature, that anytime something goes wrong, a woman gets subjected to… I’m not saying men don’t, men do, but a woman gets subjected to a lot more judgment and a lot more shaming, not just online, even in real life.” Samantha Ruth Prabhu, who is currently garnering praise for her performance in the web show Citadel, finally broke her silence and spoke candidly about the trolling she faced after her divorce with Naga Chaitanya three years ago. In a talk with Galatta India, the ‘O Antava Mawa’ star said, ”Unfortunately, we live in a society which is so patriarchal in nature, that anytime something goes wrong, a woman gets subjected to… I’m not saying men don’t, men do, but a woman gets subjected to a lot more judgment and a lot more shaming, not just online, even in real life.” IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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