Junaid Khan, Aamir Khan’s son who recently made his film debut with the Netflix film Maharaj, is all set to share screen space with Janhvi Kapoor’s sister and Sridevi’s daughter Khushi Kapoor. Phantom Studios on Tuesday announced the news on their official social media handle about the untitled film. Along with the announcement, the makers also unveiled its release date, which is February 7, 2025. ”Are you ready to experience love in the digital era with @khushi05k and #JunaidKhan? In Cinemas worldwide on 7th Feb 2025! Directed by @advaitchandan,” Phantom Studios wrote in the caption of its post. Junaid Khan, Aamir Khan’s son who recently made his film debut with the Netflix film Maharaj, is all set to share screen space with Janhvi Kapoor’s sister and Sridevi’s daughter Khushi Kapoor. Phantom Studios on Tuesday announced the news on their official social media handle about the untitled film. Along with the announcement, the makers also unveiled its release date, which is February 7, 2025. ”Are you ready to experience love in the digital era with @khushi05k and #JunaidKhan? In Cinemas worldwide on 7th Feb 2025! Directed by @advaitchandan,” Phantom Studios wrote in the caption of its post. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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