Director Prasandh Mamul’s film ‘Meta the Dazzling Girl’ has brought pride to the country by winning the prestigious Best Experimental Film Award at the Cannes World Film Festival. This film has been produced by Tilok Kothari under the banner of Shalimar Productions Limited along with associate company Trisha Studios Limited. After this prestigious award, plans are being made to send the film to the Oscars next year Director Prasandh Mamul’s film ‘Meta the Dazzling Girl’ has brought pride to the country by winning the prestigious Best Experimental Film Award at the Cannes World Film Festival. This film has been produced by Tilok Kothari under the banner of Shalimar Productions Limited along with associate company Trisha Studios Limited. After this prestigious award, plans are being made to send the film to the Oscars next year IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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