Legendary actress Shabana Azmi, who has always been vocal on many social political and other issues, has recently opened on Kangana Ranaut’s slap row. Kangana was allegedly slapped and abused at Chandigarh airport while she was boarding a flight to New Delhi. The incident sparked much attention on news channel and social media after the actress shared a video on Instagram claiming that she was attacked by a lady CISF personnel, however, she also mentioned that she is safe. Now, Shabana has reacted to the incident and shared a post on X (formerly Twitter). Legendary actress Shabana Azmi, who has always been vocal on many social political and other issues, has recently opened on Kangana Ranaut’s slap row. Kangana was allegedly slapped and abused at Chandigarh airport while she was boarding a flight to New Delhi. The incident sparked much attention on news channel and social media after the actress shared a video on Instagram claiming that she was attacked by a lady CISF personnel, however, she also mentioned that she is safe. Now, Shabana has reacted to the incident and shared a post on X (formerly Twitter). IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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