Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan took everyone by storm when he signed Kabir Khan’s Chandu Champion. The film is based on 1972 Para Olympics gold medalist Murlikant Rajaram Petkar. From Kartik’s comedy genre-based filmography to Kabir Khan’s 83 debacle, everything was at stake when the duo came together for Chandu Champion. But by taking everyone by surprise and turning haters into his fans, Kartik has wooed everyone with this must-watch biopic. And seems like National Award-winning actor Shabana Azmi was also impressed with Kartik’s performance in Chandu Champion. Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan took everyone by storm when he signed Kabir Khan’s Chandu Champion. The film is based on 1972 Para Olympics gold medalist Murlikant Rajaram Petkar. From Kartik’s comedy genre-based filmography to Kabir Khan’s 83 debacle, everything was at stake when the duo came together for Chandu Champion. But by taking everyone by surprise and turning haters into his fans, Kartik has wooed everyone with this must-watch biopic. And seems like National Award-winning actor Shabana Azmi was also impressed with Kartik’s performance in Chandu Champion. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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