As Bollywood celebrates the birthday of its reigning Badshah, Shah Rukh Khan, fans worldwide are taking a nostalgic trip down memory lane, reliving some of his most iconic moments on screen. One song that seems to encapsulate the magic, success, and essence of SRK is none other than Yes Boss’s evergreen track, “Chaand Taare.” This 1997 hit, directed by Aziz Mirza and starring Shah Rukh Khan alongside Juhi Chawla, is a classic—and for good reason. “Chaand Taare” is more than just a song; it’s practically the anthem for SRK’s rise to stardom, capturing his journey from humble beginnings to Bollywood royalty. As Bollywood celebrates the birthday of its reigning Badshah, Shah Rukh Khan, fans worldwide are taking a nostalgic trip down memory lane, reliving some of his most iconic moments on screen. One song that seems to encapsulate the magic, success, and essence of SRK is none other than Yes Boss’s evergreen track, “Chaand Taare.” This 1997 hit, directed by Aziz Mirza and starring Shah Rukh Khan alongside Juhi Chawla, is a classic—and for good reason. “Chaand Taare” is more than just a song; it’s practically the anthem for SRK’s rise to stardom, capturing his journey from humble beginnings to Bollywood royalty. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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