Shah Rukh Khan, also known as the ‘Baadshah of Bollywood’, on Thursday late at night was spotted entertaining the hospital where Deepika Padukone gave birth to her newborn daughter. A video of SRK’s white Rolls Royce along with security vehicles is doing rounds on social media. He visited the new parents at the HN Reliance Foundation Hospital in Mumbai to congratulate them. Deepika gave birth to a daughter on September 8 and the news was also confirmed by the couple on their Instagram handles jointly. Shah Rukh Khan, also known as the ‘Baadshah of Bollywood’, on Thursday late at night was spotted entertaining the hospital where Deepika Padukone gave birth to her newborn daughter. A video of SRK’s white Rolls Royce along with security vehicles is doing rounds on social media. He visited the new parents at the HN Reliance Foundation Hospital in Mumbai to congratulate them. Deepika gave birth to a daughter on September 8 and the news was also confirmed by the couple on their Instagram handles jointly. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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