Bollywood diva Sharvari Wagh is currently on cloud nine ever since her recent offering Munjya was released in theatres. After garnering a positive response for her acting skills in Munjya, the actress is now being lauded for her guest appearance in Junaid Khan and Jaideep Ahlawat-starrer Maharaj. The actress said that she happily accept being a ‘surprise factor’. Talking about her association with ‘Maharaj’, she said, “I’m really thrilled to read that people are calling me a big ‘surprise factor’ of ‘Maharaj’. As an actor, I want to make an impact in every role and in every film that I work on. So, I will happily and humbly accept all the compliments of being a ‘surprise factor’ in a film!” Bollywood diva Sharvari Wagh is currently on cloud nine ever since her recent offering Munjya was released in theatres. After garnering a positive response for her acting skills in Munjya, the actress is now being lauded for her guest appearance in Junaid Khan and Jaideep Ahlawat-starrer Maharaj. The actress said that she happily accept being a ‘surprise factor’. Talking about her association with ‘Maharaj’, she said, “I’m really thrilled to read that people are calling me a big ‘surprise factor’ of ‘Maharaj’. As an actor, I want to make an impact in every role and in every film that I work on. So, I will happily and humbly accept all the compliments of being a ‘surprise factor’ in a film!” IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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