New Delhi: A mother had to suffer from incredibly heavy bleeding during period, particularly after childbirth, and also painful sex as she had unknowingly been living with two vaginas and two cervixes. 28-year-old Shannon Webster had been suffering from heavy bleeding after her son was born, heavy enough to force her to wear nappies and change them regularly. But this had started when her periods kicked off at 14. For this, she was given pills to ease the symptoms; same started to get worse in the form of heavy bleeding and feeling faint.
Later in life, Webster noted that sex was painful for her and doctors told her that it is normal. But when got pregnant for the second time, doctors found that she had two wombs. Additionally, the two vaginas and cervixes were very crammed up than it normally is. Because of this, she could not use tampons as it would cause a lot of pain. As a result, she had to use adult pull-ups and nappies. Later, she gave birth to a baby boy via c-section.
Doctors revealed that the baby was breech and struggling with blood flow. But then another pregnancy occurred and and she had to suffer from a miscarriage. She was also diagnosed with uterus didelphys, a rare condition wherein one has two separate wombs. Her children, too, were conceived in the left and right womb respectively. Doctors also told her that she would have to go through an operation to remove the septum, a wall between the vagins after giving birth. Since then, she was given a contraceptive pill to combat excess bleeding.
What is uterus didelphys?
Uterus didelphys is a rare congenital condition wherein one is born with two uteruses. Both have their own ovary and fallopian tube. In some cases, one can have two vaginal canals and two cervixes. The vaginas are split by a tissue wall. The symptoms of this condition are:
Leading blood during periods while using a tampon
Painful sex
Cramping before and during periods
Heavy, abnormal bleeding during periods
This condition is usually detected when a girl is older or is atleast a teenager. It is also sometimes diagnosed with a cervical smear test. It can sometimes cause pregnancy-related complications such as preterm birth or miscarriage. This is because of lack of room for the uterus.
Shannon Webster noted that sex was painful for her and doctors told her that it is normal. But when got pregnant for the second time, doctors found that she had two wombs. Additionally, the two vaginas and cervixes were very crammed up than it normally is. Health News Health News: Latest News from Health Care, Mental Health, Weight Loss, Disease, Nutrition, Healthcare