Iconic filmmaker Shoojit Sircar on Wednesday treated his fans by announcing his upcoming film with Abhishek Bachchan. The film is titled I Want To Talk. Produced by Rising Sun Films and Kino Works, the Hindi film is set to hit the screens worldwide on November 22. It was previously scheduled for a November 15 release and now is pushed by a week. AB, who was last seen in the 2023 film Ghoomer, shared the title announcement teaser on his official social media pages. Iconic filmmaker Shoojit Sircar on Wednesday treated his fans by announcing his upcoming film with Abhishek Bachchan. The film is titled I Want To Talk. Produced by Rising Sun Films and Kino Works, the Hindi film is set to hit the screens worldwide on November 22. It was previously scheduled for a November 15 release and now is pushed by a week. AB, who was last seen in the 2023 film Ghoomer, shared the title announcement teaser on his official social media pages. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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