New Delhi: Bollywood actor Shraddha Kapoor recently made headlines as she stepped out in a striking red Ajrakh saree by designer Nitya Bajaj. The saree, priced at an impressive Rs 48,000, became the centre of attention during the promotional events for her highly anticipated film, Stree 2.
Shraddha Kapoor in Ajrakh by Nitya Bajaj
The saree featured intricate Ajrakh prints, a traditional form of block printing originating from Gujarat, known for its vibrant patterns and rich history. The deep red hue of the fabric, combined with the detailed craftsmanship, exuded a regal charm that perfectly complemented Kapoor’s graceful presence. The saree was tailored with a modern twist, incorporating subtle embellishments and a contemporary silhouette that added a touch of glamour while preserving the essence of traditional wear.
Shraddha Kapoor’s look for Stree 2 promotions
Kapoor’s ensemble was thoughtfully accessorised, with minimalistic gold jewellery that accentuated the saree’s bold design without overpowering it. Her choice of makeup was equally sophisticated—her look included a soft, dewy foundation with bold red lips and defined eyes, enhancing the overall aesthetic of her attire. The actress’s hair was styled in loose waves, adding a touch of effortless elegance to her appearance.
The choice of this saree for the Stree 2 promotions not only showcased Kapoor’s impeccable fashion sense but also highlighted her appreciation for traditional Indian craftsmanship. Nitya Bajaj’s design seamlessly blended cultural heritage with contemporary style, making it a fitting choice for the actress’s promotional tour.
Shraddha Kapoor’s appearance in this red Ajrakh saree has set a new benchmark for fusion fashion, proving that traditional attire can indeed make a powerful statement in modern-day glamour. Her look has certainly left a lasting impression, both on her fans and the fashion industry. Stree 2 is all set to release in cinema on August 15.
Shraddha Kapoor is seen donning red for Stree 2 promotions, and once again, she proves her fashion prowess. Take a look at her recent promotional event where she stuns in a Rs 48K red Ajrakh saree by Nitya Bajaj. Fashion Lifestyle News -Fashion Trends, Beauty Tips, Celebrity Party News, Relationship advice, Travel and Food Tips