This June, Shraddha Kapoor and Rahul Mody’s relationship was almost public. On June 19, Shraddha herself announced her love on social media and shared a cosy picture of herself with writer-assistant director Rahul Mody on Instagram Stories. Along with this, she also wrote an emotional caption, ‘Dil Rakh Le, Neend To Wapas De De Yaar’. It was only after this post came out that it was clear that the rumours were true and Shraddha was dating Rahul. The pair was also being spotted together, as well as both went on vacation. This June, Shraddha Kapoor and Rahul Mody’s relationship was almost public. On June 19, Shraddha herself announced her love on social media and shared a cosy picture of herself with writer-assistant director Rahul Mody on Instagram Stories. Along with this, she also wrote an emotional caption, ‘Dil Rakh Le, Neend To Wapas De De Yaar’. It was only after this post came out that it was clear that the rumours were true and Shraddha was dating Rahul. The pair was also being spotted together, as well as both went on vacation. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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