Sisakti Rooh (Sobbing Soul), a short film produced by Jigsaw Pictures has been released on Wednesday. The teaser of this thought-provoking 3-minute film was out on YouTube on November 25. Inspired by Sahir Ludhianvi’s evocative nazm, this short film is part of Jigsaw Pictures’ initiative to raise awareness about violence against women. It is significant to note that this short film was produced entirely with the support of dedicated actors and technicians who volunteered their time, allowing all production costs to be donated to a woman’s destitute home to support their well-being. Sisakti Rooh (Sobbing Soul), a short film produced by Jigsaw Pictures has been released on Wednesday. The teaser of this thought-provoking 3-minute film was out on YouTube on November 25. Inspired by Sahir Ludhianvi’s evocative nazm, this short film is part of Jigsaw Pictures’ initiative to raise awareness about violence against women. It is significant to note that this short film was produced entirely with the support of dedicated actors and technicians who volunteered their time, allowing all production costs to be donated to a woman’s destitute home to support their well-being. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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